My 21st birthday!
It actually happened a couple months back, in the twilight days of the year prior.
I went out, got wasted with my friends, and spent the rest of the next day trying to recover from the night of mayhem. My back was sore, my arms were bruised, and there was a giant cut across my forehead quite possibly from the snowballs we were throwing at each other after the bars let out. I can't quite remember how I got home but I think someone dropped me off and I was let back into my parent's place by my little sister I think.
The funny (or not so funny) portion about all of this is the fact that it never happened.
None of it.
I spent my 21st birthday watching Sherlock Holmes with Bentson and I think Jordan at the movie theater. We maybe went out and got some food afterwards? I'm not sure.
No one really was 21 at that time to go out with, and I don't think people know when my birthday is. Not a huge deal, the latter isn't really important to me.
Probably the biggest contributing factor is the fact that I didn't really hang out with anyone for a while. I saw people infrequently and traded social gatherings for the recluse. Aaaand it was the day after Christmas.
I'm glad I got to hang out with some friends at least, and the only thing I wish would've been different was to have the chance to hang out with more people, but that changed on New Years.
So I'll say New Years was my personal birthday party. Hung out with my closest friends and had a Cub Foods adventure with John Dragich and Ryan Hoffman.
You know how much I love Cub Foods adventures.
December 26th! And New Years will forever be honor of your birthday!